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Untranslatable yet Beautiful English Words You Will Love to Read & Use

Linguistics know that translating between two  languages is a hectic as well as a tedious task yet interesting too.. In order to translate a language or a word you need to learn the intricacies and complexities of it any many ideas are simply lost in translation. Thus, while there are umpteenth numbers of untranslatable words, we have brought you some of them to get acquainted with.

Waldeinsamkit (German)

This German word implies the feeling of being isolated in woods and being in close proximity to nature as well. The word “wald” means forest and‘ ”einsamkit” refers to the emotion of being alone and enjoying solitude. This word contains both the feelings.

Iktsuarpok (Inuit)

It refers to the feeling of hope and anticipation. A feeling when you direly wait for something. Like some special person to arrive, your favourite place to visit. It’s the feeling of eagerness that you hardly can resist while waiting for something very significant.


It’s a Japanese word that refers to the sun rays that peeps through the leaves of trees. The word consists three kanji and the hiragana content れ. The first kanji means “trees,” the second kanji refers to “escape,” and the third kanji mean “sun.”

Sobremesa ( Spanish )

Sobremesa refers to the relaxed, happy time you spend chit-chatting with your loved ones after a meal or dinner. Meals hold an important place in Spanish culture and the time spent socializing after that is special for them

Mangata ( Swedish)

Mangata refers to the reflection of the moon on the water. The big, wavy shape that appears across the water when the light of the moon falls on it makes it appear really mesmerizing. It is made up of the prefixes “Måne” meaning moon, and “gata” meaning street/road.

Saudade ( Portugese)

Saudade refers to the feeling missing or longing for something that has always been close to your heart but is lost now.This feeling of longing, emptiness, melancholy or nostalgia is often considered characteristic of the Portuguese and Brazilian mood.

Flanner (French)

Paris literary crowd defined this word flanner as the art of strolling around the street of the Paris and enjoying the pink hue while evening falls. These  pedestrians are known as “flâneurs.”



This word actually means ” bury me,” the fact behind this is, Ya’aburnee is a way to show your hope that your loved one will outlive you because of how painful it would be to live without them. Isn’t it a overwhelming expression to showcase your love for your dear ones ?

Linguistics know that translating between two  languages is a hectic as well as a tedious task yet interesting too.. In order to translate a language or a word you need to learn the intricacies and complexities of it any many ideas are simply lost in translation. Thus, while there are umpteenth numbers of untranslatable words, we have brought you some of them to get acquainted with.

Waldeinsamkit (German)

This German word implies the feeling of being isolated in woods and being in close proximity to nature as well. The word “wald” means forest and‘ ”einsamkit” refers to the emotion of being alone and enjoying solitude. This word contains both the feelings.

Iktsuarpok (Inuit)

It refers to the feeling of hope and anticipation. A feeling when you direly wait for something. Like some special person to arrive, your favourite place to visit. It’s the feeling of eagerness that you hardly can resist while waiting for something very significant.


It’s a Japanese word that refers to the sun rays that peeps through the leaves of trees. The word consists three kanji and the hiragana content れ. The first kanji means “trees,” the second kanji refers to “escape,” and the third kanji mean “sun.”

Sobremesa ( Spanish )

Sobremesa refers to the relaxed, happy time you spend chit-chatting with your loved ones after a meal or dinner. Meals hold an important place in Spanish culture and the time spent socializing after that is special for them

Mangata ( Swedish)

Mangata refers to the reflection of the moon on the water. The big, wavy shape that appears across the water when the light of the moon falls on it makes it appear really mesmerizing. It is made up of the prefixes “Måne” meaning moon, and “gata” meaning street/road.

Saudade ( Portugese)

Saudade refers to the feeling missing or longing for something that has always been close to your heart but is lost now.This feeling of longing, emptiness, melancholy or nostalgia is often considered characteristic of the Portuguese and Brazilian mood.

Flanner (French)

Paris literary crowd defined this word flanner as the art of strolling around the street of the Paris and enjoying the pink hue while evening falls. These  pedestrians are known as “flâneurs.

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