Did you know in Vermont a woman needs her husband’s permission to wear false teeth? Weird, isn’t it? Here are some more of them that’s sure to sweep you off the floor.
You cannot see or buy cars on Sundays.
In China, it’s illegal for adult children to not visit their parents. As the court says that they must take care of their parent’s emotional needs.
In Colorado, it’s illegal to collect water. Farmers and landowners get punishments for this.
It’s illegal to carry away or collect seaweed at night.
Professional games such as ice polo and hockey cannot be played on Sundays without having a license.
Farmers are allowed to use explosives and crackers to safeguard their sunflower crops
It’s illegal to live on a boat for more than 3 months.
It’s legal for minors to drink alcohol.
Tire screeching is totally banned in Kansas.
Kentucky allows women to marry only thrice.
In Maryland sleeveless shorts are totally banned in public.
In Massachusetts, it’s totally prohibited to predict fortunes without any certification.
You cannot sit on sidewalks if you are in Nevada.
Minors cannot play a pinball if you are in South Carolina.
Selling of human eye is banned in Texas.