Reports say, in past 10 years in India rich people became richer and condition of poor became worse. But there are exceptions – obviously – and here’re some extreme exceptions. Today we will speak about some street beggars who have not only saved huge cash and even managed to get flats & other properties. Let’s take a look :
Rambi : Found with Rs.80,000 cash & 15,000 coins
Rami has been found with Rs.80,000 cash, in which there were 15000 coins of multiple denominations. Once day when she was begging on the street, when his big was snatched. He shouted for help and police caught the thief and then they found the huge value of cash she was carrying. This was what she earned after several years of begging.
Sarvatia Devi : Pays Rs.36,000 as insurance premium
Sarvatia Devi pays Rs.36,000 as insurance premium and recently had her daughter married. She has been beggar ever since she became widow about 25 years ago. Though Sarvatia Devi is one among the city’s burgeoning population of professional beggars, but she is neither a destitute nor a homeless.
Haaji : Earns Rs.1,000-2,000 /day
This guy has a family business, which is run by his mother and has 15 employees. But this 26-year-old man decided to start begging. He begs near temples and mosques in Deonar and Chemburand has assets worth 15 lakh earning a daily wage of 1,000 to 2,000.
Maasu : Not an ordinary beggar, but a stylish one
This person keeps 2 set of clothes with him. He arrives at his workplace in an auto, changes into his work uniform ‘beggar outift’. After spending 8 – 10 hours in work, he changes from his uniform to branded clothes and go home.
Sambaji Kale : owns a flat in Virar and two houses in Solapur
Sambhaji Kale runs the business of begging with his entire family. With his 4 members, he begs in the Khar region of Mumbai, and earns around Rs.1000 / day. Kale has been in the business for over past 20 years and now he owns a flat in Virar and two houses and a piece of land in Solapur. He has few lakh rupees in his bank account and has also made some investments worth thousands.
Krishna Kumar Gite: Having Own Flats And Plots
This guy will be seen at Charini road, Mumbai daily. Begigng for over 15 years, he now owns a flat at Nallosapura with comforts living with his brother.
Pappu Kumar : The physically challenged beggar with property worth Rs 1.25 cr
Pappu is an interesting guy. He has a decent education background and dream to study engineering. After his father’s death, this physically challenged boy started begging. Everyone came to know about reality about this boy during the beggar removal drive by Railway Protection Force at Patna Railway Station.
Police found 4 ATM cards from him and found he has a parental house worth 1.25 cr. He also said, he has given Rs.10 lakh to some local businessmen at a high interest.
When a police official asked him to get treatment for his paralysed hand and leg, Pappu replied, ‘If I am cured, how will I continue begging?’
Bharat Jain : The richest beggar of India with Rs.60,000 / day income (and yes, he still begs)
This man is a genius, indeed. WIth an entrepreneurs look, this man has been begging in the streets of Mumbai for over 2 decades. With an estimate of few crores of rupees, Bharat owns 2 adjacent apartments in posh Parel area in Mumbai. He owns a shop at Bhandup area, which he has been rented out and earning out around Rs 20,000 per month. And yes, he still begs – when asked, he said he enjoys this profession – really interesting, isn’t it?
Ted Williams : A Beggar Who Really Deserves Richness
He’s not an Indian, but we’re mentioning him in this list because he has proved true talent really pays off. This man was extremely poor and used to get his livings earned by begging on the roads of Ohio, US. Mr. Williams has an awesome voice and natural talent of singing but was all unnoticed till a reporter noticed his amazing voice, made a video and uploaded on Youtube. The video went viral overnight and made him huge famous. The life turned for him and he’s a millionaire now.

So, the next time you spare few bucks to a beggar – recall that he may be wealthier than you ?