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What Children Study In Different Parts of The World

Through the various curriculums and the introduction of the new subjects, the schools in all the countries are constantly trying to bring about the best in our children. Let’s take a look at the different curriculums in various countries.



In primary school, kids here are generally taught the Japanese language and arithmetic, nature studies, social studies visual arts etc.

In secondary school, the children are introduced to subjects like IT, natural sciences, Geology, history etc.

During the senior high school, the two specializations get added to the previous ones humanitarian and natural sciences.



There are just two compulsory subjects here that are English and mathematics and the rest is optional. There are about 32 optional subjects that students can prefer.



The primary education here includes subjects like literature, nature studies, mathematics, a foreign language, and music be the most important of all. During their secondary level subjects like geography, social sciences, and technology gets added.  

Senior level students study Humanitarian sciences, technology, arts and music.     



The compulsory subjects to learn during primary are Chinese, mathematics, any of the alien; languages, and drawing or physical education.


At the senior level Children are exposed to various subjects like natural science ( Physics, Chemistry and Biology), Computer science, Social Studies etc.  



The primary school kids here study, English, history, Geography, music, industrial technology and art here the parents choose their subjects.

Subjects like cooking, music, photography, dancing, drama, law, accounting, art and design get added in their secondary level of education.  



During their primary age kids here study maths, natural sciences, Russian language,  drawing, music, chess etc. By the time when they shift into their secondary level subjects like literature, algebra, geography, informatics etc. gets added to it.

In senior high school, students get to learn mathematical drawings, astronomy, and world art culture.


Saudi Arabia

There are only a few compulsory subjects here and they’re Mathematics, religion, and science ( Biology, Physics).



The subjects that are among the must-reads here are reading, arithmetics, local history, natural science .the secondary subjects of the part of the curriculums are the maths, linguistics, science and its branches ( Physics, Chemistry, Biology). Apart from this, they stress on various extracurricular activities like painting, sculpture, photography, psychology and so on.


Among the compulsory high school subject are anatomy, statistics, physical education, web design, journalism, woodworking, computer graphics, dance, editing and the list goes on and on.    


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